This page will be used to give you all the important information you need for Unit 3. This includes the Assignment Briefs and Front Sheets. If you would like to access something you must click on it and it will take you to the correct document.
Why do we study Unit 3 at BTG?
Psychology has become one of the most interesting subjects in the field of sport. The sports viewer will often give a psychological explanation for the failure of a team or individual, for example by saying ‘he bottled it’. Sports psychologists are becoming more common in sport, and many sports performers and teams use their services. Why do some sports people produce their best performances under the greatest pressure whilst others fall apart? Performance in sport is the outcome of a combination of various physiological, sociological and psychological factors. Physiological and sociological factors will affect the potential that the individual has to reach the top level in sport. However, of equal importance is having the right psychological approach to achieve success and remain at the top.
This unit looks at the concepts that influence the mind in sporting situations and, most importantly, explores the effects that they can have on sports performance.
Learning aim A looks at personality, which is the basis of our behaviour, including how personality can influence choice of sport, and performance in sport.
Learning aim B examines motivation and self-confidence, the influence that they have on sports performance, and a range of techniques that can be used to influence them.
Learning aim C focuses on arousal and anxiety and the effect these can have on sporting situations.
This unit will enable you to understand your own sports performance, why you have achieved the results you have and what you could do in the future to improve your preparation and performance. This unit will also help you to develop skills in teaching, coaching and helping other people. An understanding of the effects of psychology on sports performance is important for many roles in sport, including sports performers who want to understand their own performance and sports coaches who aim to improve the performance of those they work with.
If you would like to read an overview on the differences between pass, merit and distinction for this unit click here
Assignment Briefs:
Front sheets: